South Dakota Position Papers or South Dakota Public Propaganda Organization Online.
--------------------- Take your pick "Position Papers" or "Public Propaganda"...may be a mixture of both.

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Saturday, May 25, 2002
Commment--- Oh joy, those TV ads for the GOP Gubernatorial primary candidates

All I know about the GOP candidates is what I see on TV. Well, that is not quite true, I try to read
their stuff in the Rapid City Journal and in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. There is a limit on how much
of it I can take however. Barnett and Kirby are trying to be more conservative than Rush Limbaugh on
social issues, more pro-business than Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, and more anti-birth control, anti family
planning and anti-abortion than the Pope and as sanctimoniously religious as At. Gen Ashcroft.

. Rounds is running in Janklow's shadow. He was his legislative
water boy. I guess if we are crazy enough to want more "janklow", we should be thrilled to see that
Rounds is increasing his support while spending a fraction of the $million or more Kirby has dumped into
TV ads and who knows what else. Now they are fighting over who has the most support from the gun nuts.

Kirby wants to dump millions of state money into promoting the tourist industry. Of course, we might wonder
if that would help his wife's family ..owners of Wall Drug ..just a bit. We might expect Barnett
and Rounds to pour millions of state money into more prisons and then more and more millions into keeping
more South Dakotans in prison. I guess if building legitimate business is too difficult with a minimum wage
that prevents most South Dakotans from buying anything besides grocieries and clothes after paying rent
or real estate taxes, then business backers of the Republicans will have to settle for building more prisons.

I suppose now that a college in Springfield has been converted to a prison, and Yankton has a federal
prison by converting Yankton College, and Pierre has a woman's prison, ..well. you know.. that leaves
Aberdeen. Heck there are even a few Democrats in Brown County, so Republicans should be thrilled about
building another prison there. Well, who knows what promises we will hear next. After about 100 years of
Republican control of both SD legislature and Governors office, South Dakota is nearly last in every rating of
economic, social, or educational measure. Republicans can do more however. They can put SD first in
the percentage of the population in prison. RR&RWOR..Republican Retribution and Retaliation without Rehabilitation...
it does have a certain alliterative quality, but probably reminds Janklow too much of Kevin Shieffer and his
Railroad and that reminds him of Larry is a tangled web of peculiar "South Dakota Values"..

Yup, that's it. The latest GOP gubernatorial commercials.... WE CAN MAKE SD FIRST IN PRISONS AND
PRISONERS Put in enough death penalties to make Texas look like a bunch of pussy cats.. Cut back on
rehabilitation for lawbreakers, stress victims "rights" instead of victims compensation, double or triple prison
terms, ....Yes, that is it GULAG DAKOTA.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !. But, guess we already had that for juveniles in Plankinton where
running the fat off a kid and leaving her cooking in the hot sun and humidity killed her. Jeez. Back to the drawing board on that

Guess they will have to contact Jim Wooster. Looks like he can talk faster than just about anybody and would
sell his soul to utilities and stinking pig farms for a few shillings. But..hey, he might still have enough "farmer" in him
to work really cheap.. Hello, This is Jim Wooster and we need more prisons....yup that's the story and I'm
sticking to it.............

Well, it was a slow day on the farm today. Meadowlarks were singing. Put me in a jovial mood.....plan your vacations
for GULAG DAKOTA. call 1-800-GOTOJAIL in SOUTH DAKOTA OF ALL PLACES...home of more Republicans and
more jail birds than nearly anyplace else in the western hemisphere. But, be rich if you come here--- boredom and
poverty can kill your spirt and you too. Happy trails to you (but watch out for Republicans crooning , "Happy Jails to
You." (I think Wooster can play a guitar too).

Thursday, May 23, 2002
Comment on SD Political Ads. Big surprise to you I am sure

Not having cable or satellite TV, we see mostly SD TV. In particular, versions of KSFY and KELO which
are loaded with political ads from Kirby, Barnett,Abbott, Rounds, Thune, Johnson, Herseth, etc...etc..

By now we have seen most of them a few dozen times. After seeing any ad that often, most of us will notice
some strange things.

About the strangest is the way Jim Abbott moves his hands around in his ads. In some, he appears to be
kneading bread in mid air. In others his hands look like he is trying to direct traffic at a busy intersection.
In most of them, he appears to be moving his hands in a way Alfred E. Newman might if he were asking
"What Me Governor?". As hefty as Abbott has gotten after getting an appointment as USD President,
I get the feeling he is moving his hands to demonstrate some indication of physical exercise which is
directly contradicted by his appearance.

As a lifetime Democrat, I do hope that if Abbott gets the Democratic nomination for Governor, he will
have somebody who is not a rabid toady take a look at his commercials before he tortures TV viewers
all across SD. It might also be nice if he sounded just a little bit more like a Democrat statesman and somewhat
less like a lukewarm Republican president of a Chamber of Commerce.advocating a prayer breakfast to
demonstrate opposition to Sunday morning football.

I am getting sleepy just writing this. That's all for tonight from SDPP-ORG (c) by Douglas Wiken.
If the wind does not blow 30 to 50 miles per hour tonight, I might be alert enough to generate some blather
about the other candidate ads. Stay tuned up.